The Department of Romance Studies coordinates the publication of a renewed version of Romanistica Pragensia (the first volume appearing in 2009). Romanistica Pragensia is an important platform for Czech and European researches in Romance languages and literatures. Recent volumes (2013 and 2015) were monothematic and approached selected topics – volume XIX dealt with different aspects of Romance languages from the perspective of language corpora; volume XX (2015) was dedicated to the literature of fin de siècle. The Department has long been guarantor of the journal Svět literatury. Časopis pro novodobé literatury (World of Literature – Journal of Modern Literatures). By emphasising a supranational comparative approach the journal helps integrate literary studies, and members of our Department contribute as editors, reviewers and authors. Both above cited journals are listed in the ERIH database and they represent also an important opportunity for young Ph.D. researches to publish their best articles. Apart from these platforms, our academics constantly publish articles in important Czech and international journals (e.g. Časopis pro moderní filologii, Linguistica Pragensia, Slovo a smysl – Word and Sense, Ibero-Americana Pragensia, La linguistique, Itinerários, Verbum, Res Diachronicae, Nuova Antologia, etc.).
In the last few years, several major monographs have been published:
Our academics are also involved in literary translation of important Spanish, Hispano-American, Portuguese, Luso-Brazilian, Italian and French writing authors (Mario Vargas Llosa, Umberto Eco, Alessandro Baricco, Arthur Rimbaud, and many others). Department of Romance studies support conference activities of both academic staff and students.